Nov. 23rd, 2009


You'd see the voices that control me from inside my head say I shouldn't kill you yet

Hey guys, this is Anna bringing you Commodus Selwyn ([info]sympathyforwhom), a Death Eater and your friendly neighborhood sociopath.

No, really, though. Well, type-A psychopath, anyway. At least, that's what his personality is most in line with, but he wasn't born a psychopath, so it's a bit more complicated. I mean, yes, he is sort of a serial murderer in his spare time, and he does kill predominately muggle and muggle-born women because he blames the sexual perversions of muggles for making his mother try to leave his father (which in turn made his father murder his mother in front of him when Commodus was 7-years-old and then ask him to help dispose of the body). But what does that make him, really, if not a scared little boy attempting to get past some unresolved mommy-issues?

He's very nice when you talk to him in person. From a very old and prestigious wizarding family, he's a well-respected auror, and he even has a nice little family! He has a wife and an adorable son. The trouble is, he doesn't actually love any of these people. His family was constructed partly as an elaborate shield under the system that his father taught him for, essentially, killing people and getting away with it, and partly as a necessary step for maintaining the power, purity and prominence of the Selwyn name. He does feel fondness for them, but his level of attachment is largely selfish. He is an excellent father, husband, friend, coworker and employee. But that's because he's spent years studying human behavior and emotion, and learning to mimic them appropriately. He plays the high-society game, even though he sees it as slightly asinine, because he regards it as amusing and necessary. His attraction to the Death Eaters should be relatively obvious.

His TL;DR is here.



February 2010



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